Sunday, October 25, 2009

How many press ups and sit ups do i need to do a day to tighten a flabby belly?

i need it to look half decent for july 17th!!is there anything else i can do that would be better.i cant run by the way lol
Hi tongueincheek ! We're in the same boat You may keel over too. lol.
20 in the morning, 20 in the afternoon, 40 before you sleep. its how i manage to tighten my belly, try double or triple that amount, btw, when you are doing sit ups. Don't strain your back, try the half style sit up, back and shoulder up only, its better for your back.
cycle or can do hundreds of situps and press ups but you wont shed the flab, i was doing 20x20 situps and 20x20 press ups, 3 sets of pull ups ,3 times a week in the mornings.and 2 hour weight traning sessions in the evening 3 times a week mon ,wed, fri but very little cardio and the belly didnt go or the six pack didnt show, so id say CARDIO and lots of it, but start of light
I agree cardio is better for this sort of thing. It depends on whether you need to lose fat or gain muscle though...I presume by flabby you have some fat to lose, in which case sensible dieting (nothing high in fat, sugar or even carbs) combined with at least 30-60 minutes of cardio (bike-riding, even walking if you can't run but make it fast, swimming) a day and some sit-ups and crunches.
Contrary to popular belief, you can NOT do situps and expect to flatten your flabby belly. You need to lose weight everywhere to lose weight in your belly. The only way to do that is cut your food intake (less fat and carbs) and up your cardio a lot.Even if you can't run, you can walk on the treadmill. Put it at 8-10 degree incline and speed of 2.5-3 mph for a minimum of 30 minutes a day and you will see great results!Good luck!

1 comment:

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