Sunday, October 25, 2009

How many grams of protien can your body take in 1 setting?

and how long should i weight after i take in as much possible in 1 setting?
This depends on a lot of things, like weight, intensity and level of activity, but the average person can usually get by on 50 grams per day. I heard a report that the average American loses 15 grams of protein in their urine every day, because the excess is voided through the kidneys. Too much of this can cause renal failure.However, body builders and others involved in breaking down and rebuilding tissue can use a lot more. If you are seriously working out, you could probably handle 25 or 30 grams per meal, and more if you are massive. Of course the largest bods with the biggest muscles need more than say, a ballerina. I'm sure you ain't one of those.Just make sure you split up the protein throughout the day, and respect your evening rest time, because a lot of the rebuilding takes place in your sleep. Your dinner should have a good supply.Note: After your workout, don't skimp on the carbs or your body will convert some of those aminos into carbs even if it has to get them out of your muscles, which is counter-productive. That's where the muscle goes when people starve, because the brain's only fuel is blood sugar, and your workouts burn a lot of it.
You know I once read an article where it said 24 grams of protien is it...

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