Sunday, October 25, 2009

How many lbs overweight am i? i'm female, 5' 2", medium bone structure, 13 years old, and 135 lbs

I think you might need to lose about 20lbs. At 5'2" you should weight about 115 or less.
During this time your body is experiencing a lot of changes and many girls this age are slightly overweight. I did say slightly---
So, I wouldnt say that you need to lose weight I would say to watch what you eat, drink plenty of water and stay active and you should do fine.
You should be between 110-115 lbs.
Sweetie, you're 13! Your body is still growing so don't focus so much on what the scales are telling you.You sound like you're doing just fine!
about 15 and even so 135 isnt bad
General rule is 100 pounds at 5' and 5 pounds for each additional inch. At 5'2" you should be about 110 pounds.
if you put it into a bmi calculator, it'll say you're overweight by maybe 15-20 pounds. but really, it all depends on what looks good on you. you dont need to starve yourself everyday to look good for yourself. that's just gross seeing skinny skeletons walking around! but make sure you have a good diet and get plenty of exercise, and you should be fine.
actually you're NOT overweight, but you're close. if you were about 2-3 pounds heavier, you'd be considered overweight
You're fine. Don't worry about your weight at 13.. you're still a baby.
You are perfect just the way you are. Try eating a little healthier, and going on jogs or walks or swimming a little more. If you lose weight, fine. Otherwise, you are fine. Every person is different and carries their weight different.. So looking at a set scale of numbers isn't always accurate for each person. I actually think you are at a healthy weight. People place too much importance on being "skinny" when really that is very unhealthy to starve yourself or exercise mor ethan your body needs. At 13, you shouldn't be worrying about your weight, especially if you are only 135. I wouldn't say you should gain more weight, but if you eat healthy and excercise regularly you will be the weight that is healthy for you. I wouldn't shoot for 110, though. That has to be unhealthy. However, without knowing your lifestyle or seeing you, I'd say 115-130 is a perfect weight for your height..
It is much better to go by your level of body fat, but generally speaking if you are medium boned, between 112b and 122lb is good.

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