Sunday, October 25, 2009

How many squats should I do a day to tighten up my rear end?

I would REALLY like to add to my butt- I have some weight to lose all over (about 20 pounds) but I need to GAIN in the backside. I have heard that squats are an effective way of helping- how many do I need to be doing per day?
You should do anywhere from 2-3 sets of 12 repetitions, at least 4 times a about 2-3 weeks, you should start to feel tighter!*Also, my favorite fitness expert, Denise Austin has an EXCELLENT, squat routine, to view it, go here:
belly dance
well, just to let you know you can't spot reduce, which means if you need to work on losing weight in a certain area it doesn't work to just work that area to lose weight. You just have to burn the calories. but you can tone up and tighten,and about those squats, they might not add anything, but they will tighten you up, and you should do them until you can't do them no more, but still keep track. do like sets of 10, and just count the sets. it is easier to keep up with.
Well, you don't necessarily have 2 do squats to make your butt tighter. (but if you like doing them, to make them easier, keep your feet straight out in front of you.) but i don't do squats. I do this:
1: get into plank position(push up position but on your elbows with your lower arms making an upside-down V) hold in your abs so your butt doesn't sag
2: raise your right foot 10 inches off the floor. Hold for 3 seconds. return to plank position.
Do 10 reps, then switch legs and do 10 more. You will definitely feel it VERY quick!~And this not only tones your butt, it also tones your abs, arms, and quads, too!~

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