Sunday, October 25, 2009

How many situps or crunches to get a a good abs before school start september?

im average weighing 127 and i do situps usually like every 2 week like 100 during those 2 week. will this help me get abs before september start or do i have to do something esle?
First ,Are you trying to get a sixpack or fourpack abs? Are you trying to get strong for something or just trying to look good?
Situps are generally the most useless ab exercise.
You have a complex group of muscles in your mid section.
Lets start with abs.
Rectus Abdominus is the long muscle on the front of your body. Sometimes people refer to lower and upper abs. It is all one muscle. You can learn to contract and isolate through control.
Internal and external obliques they work in side bends twisting and if you are not careful you can build them blocky and give the appearance of a thick waist.
Transverse Abdominals work like your natural girdle.
You should do exercise's working each of these groups individually.
(dont forget about your lower back) You must keep your body balanced.
You also must do cardio every day to burn your body fat so you will be able to see all your hard work.
Here is an example of a good beginning core routine :
10 minute warmup to start: bike, jogging in place, jump rope
Anything to get your heartrate and joints lubricated.
Next stretch quads (fronts of legs) hamstrings (backs of legs) hips ( your butt)
Baby plank Hold 5 breaths with 4/4 count
alternating superman
dying bug
roll like a ball
boat with bent knees
criss cross (known as knee to opposite elbow)
side planks Hold 5 breaths with 4/4 countComplete each exercise start with one circuit and build up to 5 complete circuits.
You can find information on all these exercise in a book or at the gym or on the net.belly button pulled in to spine( contract your lower abs like you need to pee) This not only protects your lower back but makes your abs nice and flat. The more control you keep the stronger you become.
Keep the sternum lifted and shoulder blades down the back and keep sides of your ribs long.
Now stretch and do not forget about the rest of your body. It all works together.
How old are you? And do you have any injuries?
Another note to add is takes about 18 minutes to start burning fat in cardio. Do this at the end of your routine so you have enough energy to complete exercises correctly.
I've been a trainer and therapist for 25 years.
try to do 50 situps 5 times a week and then if you can make that 100 a week. You will also have to get rid of every ounce of fat in your ab area so getting some extra excersice wont hurt. Also eat lots of proteins to help build your abs.
I couldn't really understand if you said you do 100 situps in a span of 14 days, but that's what i understood. If that's the case, i would suggest increasing the number per week. I would first try to lose fat, and then do like a hundred situps a day. Also do other abs excersises such as laying flat on ur back and lifting ur legs up to make a 90 degree angle. And keep your legs straight out.
You know what really helped me get in shape?
Doing a little bit ofe exercise every day.
Instead of going all out twice a month, invest 5-10 minutes daily in doing maybe 50 push-ups and 50 sit-ups each day in addition to the Core (which is when you put all your body weight on your arms and rest in a flat position for a few minutes)
I started seeing results after a few weeks, so by September, you should be very buff.

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